Clubs at the Reserve at Gwynedd
Clubs are open to all residents. Everyone is welcome
Social Action Club
Math Tutors Wanted
Want to make a difference for kids? Want to feel better about yourself?
Ken Levine has a group of math tutors working with Fourth Graders at Whitehall Elementary School in Norristown.
He is in need of some more people to work with them on multiplication tables, one or two times a week.
As Ken says,"Computers are great, but not the end all. Kids still need to learn their facts."
If you want to break up the winter doldrums and help these kids, please call Ken, at 610-613-8882
. Just remember that he is in Arizona, which is two hours earlier than here, so don't call before noon our time.
PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB - Marvin Sodicoff/Miriam Silver
7:30 PM
The Photography Club meets on the FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH. Beginners and Advanced are welcome. Come and enjoy the art of photography.
Pet Club Contact Person: Barbara Hoffman
If you are new to the community and would like to be included in email information from the Pet Club regarding different issues/events that affect our pets, please email at Barbara Hoffman at [email protected].
For information about our group and pet events, please contact one of the following Pet Club Committee members:
Adele Willensky (267-222-8824
), Ted Rich (215-699-2404
), Kathy Santangelo (215-699-6228
), Barbara Hoffman (215-850-2324
), Jack Trautenberg (215-613-8244
), John Henry (267-449-1584
), Kathy Connor or Mickie McGrath (484-343-6741
Nonfiction Book Discussion–Contact Frank Browne for title, date, and location [email protected]
Fiction Book Discussion - Lana Dishler and Maryellen Foulke
Location: Clubhouse Multipurpose Room near Kitchen
Everyone is welcome. Simply read the book and come to the discussion.
RSVP to Lana Dishler [email protected]
Gin Rummy Contact Bruce Raskin
Tuesdays in the Clubhouse Card Room at 6:30 PM. Players of all levels invited. Come for a quick review of the rules & scoring of Hollywood Gin & a few games. Cards & score pads will be provided, just show up ready to play & have a good time! Please RSVP to Bruce Raskin 215 699 6600 [email protected]
Friday Afternoon Bridge Contact persons: Joan Astoreca
We play Bridge Friday afternoons from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the Clubhouse Card room. Players are intermediate to advanced. When we have two tables we will play duplicate. To play, please sign up in the Clubhouse by Wednesday. If you cannot play after signing up, please cross your name off before Friday.
Poker - Contact Person: Sandy Wilk
We meet every Tuesday at 7:15 pm in the Card Room of the Clubhouse. Please contact Sandy if you are planning to attend. Prior sign-up is required. Lessons are available upon request.
Canasta– Contact Person: Phyllis Rosenberg
Every Wednesday afternoon at 12:30 pm in the Card Room of the Clubhouse. Please call Phyllis if planning to attend. For those of you who are interested in learning or need a refresher course please contact Phyllis to arrange a meeting to decide on the best time for a class.
Scrabble Contact person: Sharon Wolf.
The Scrabble group meets every Tuesday afternoon at 2 PM in the Card Room.
Any new residents who enjoy playing Scrabble are invited to join our Tuesday afternoon games.
Monday Mah Jongg Contact Person: Andi Kuptsow Mondays in the Clubhouse Card Room at 11:45 AM
Thursday Mah Jongg Contact Person: Judi Getto
We meet every Thursday afternoon at 11:45 AM in the Card Room of the clubhouse. Please call Judi by Wednesday evening if you are planning to attend.
Knitting - Contact Person: Sandy Bank
We meet by the Clubhouse’s Fireplace every other Tuesday at 1:00 PM to socialize and work on our favorite projects. Bring a project you are currently working on. Call Sandy Bank for future dates.
Ladies’ Golf Contact Person: Jo Rich
See you in the spring! Ladies Golf at Center Square Golf Course. We will play every Wednesday morning, weather permitting. If interested or want more information, call Jo at 215-699-2404
or email [email protected]
Tennis Contact Person: Bob Hartman
If anyone is interested in playing tennis in the springplease contact Bob Hartman at [email protected] I am attempting to put a group together.
Billiards Contact person: Frank Astolfi 215-699-3671
If you want to be part of the mailing list, send emailto [email protected]
Bowling - Contact Person: Frank Astolfi 215-699-3671
Join in the fun. Bowling every Tuesday at 3:15 at Facenda Whittaker Lanes throughout the fall, winter, and spring
Questions: [email protected]
Darts-Contact Person: Frank Swanson
By email schedule. Sign up and information will be emailed to you.
Table Tennis – Contact Person: Jerry Raznov
Organized play: Every Monday, 7:00PM. Open play is always available. The table is in the Aerobics Room - exercise classes have priority

Wallyball - Contact: Frank Browne
Mondays at 8:00 PM at the Lansdale YMCA on Main Street. Wallyball is volleyball played in a racquetball court. This club is for players who want to play wallyball for fun. The cost will be $10 per night per person. After the games, we will go to the Sumney to discuss the games and heroics. RSVP to Frank Browne [email protected]
Golden Duffers – Morty Wolf
A message to all residents who wish to play golf and join our exciting club here at the Reserve.....Call Morty Wolf or Al Chalek to join and get on our mailing list. The Golden Duffers, much more than golf