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Clubs at the Reserve at Gwynedd

Clubs are open to all residents. Everyone is welcome!

Cycling Club- Sharon Rogers Barron
The Cycling Club, led by Sharon Rogers-Barron, holds a weekly ride in the community on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm. The club is presently on winter break and will resume in the Spring.  Usually there is one trail ride each month.

Fiction Book Club – Lana Dishler and Elyse Satalof
The club meets every other month, usually on a Wednesday at 7:30 pm.  RSVP to Lana Dishler, Email is [email protected]

Improv  Club – Bill Brams
The club meets monthly, usually on a Monday at 7:00 pm. RSVP to Bill Bram

The Reserve Singers  Co-Ed Singing Group
Frank Browne
The Reserve Singers meet first and third Wednesday at 7 PM in the Card Room. New members are welcome. A Co-Ed Singing Group, the club sings along to music of popular songs of rock and roll, folk, Broadway, and classics. The words to the songs are provided to each member. We are an informal singing group which meets every two weeks to sing along with music for fun. No formal training or great vocal cords are needed. The Reserve Singers is a fun group for those who just like to sing and have fun.

If you’re interested or if you want to learn more about the Reserve Singers, email or call Frank Browne at [email protected] or 215-699-8407.

Soundz of Music - Wendy Gold
Meets First and Third Monday at 7 pm
Do you have a passion for singing or playing an instrument? Let’s get together and give amateur musicians a place to meet, play music, and socialize together. Varied experience levels are welcome. This group provides the opportunity for members to play with and for each other in a congenial, judgement free atmosphere. 
You don’t have to play or sing alone!  Please contact Wendy Gold a 267-613-8610 if you’re interested, can make the meeting, or have questions.

The Singles Mingle Club Gay Salin and Cheryl Talus Snyder
The club holds events for singles several times a year.

Card and Board Games

AFTERNOON SCRABBLE – Tom Haney/Nancy Jensen
Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 pm in the Card Room.
Calling all lovers of words…come join our Scrabble group. We play weekly on Tuesday. We are a low-key group with no pressure for excellence. We chat, we play, we occasionally eat snacks, and we laugh a lot. If you are a newcomer this is a great way to play an interesting game while getting to know your new neighbors. If you are a longer-term resident, it’s an opportunity to say “hi” to your friends and neighbors while enjoying a couple hours of fun!”

TEXAS HOLD ‘EM- John Brooks
Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm! No need to sign up, just show up to play! More players wanted!

PITCH - Bruce and Ellyn Raskin
Every Wednesday at 1:00 pm in the Card Room. No experience needed. A fast-paced fun game of strategy with elements of hearts, Bridge and Whist but not as slow or as serious!

BRIDGE - Intermediate to Advanced level
Friday afternoons from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the Clubhouse cardroom. Players must be proficient in the following conventions: Stayman, weak two, Jacoby transfer, Blackwood, negative double and Gerber. To play, please sign up in the clubhouse. Please remove your name if your plans change.

GIN RUMMY - Bruce Raskin
Every Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm in the Card room.
No need to sign up, just come over to the clubhouse card room to play. For questions, please contact Bruce Raskin

MAH JONGG –MondayContact Person: Andi Kuptsow
Mondays in the Clubhouse Card Room from 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM

MAH JONGG – ThursdayContactPerson: Judi Getto
We meet every Thursday afternoon at 12:30PM to 3:00 PM in the Card Room of the clubhouse. Please call Judi byWednesday evening if you are planning to attend.

Arts and Crafts

Knitting& Needle Crafts Club
Meets every other Tuesday From 10:00 am to 12 noon at the Fireplace Living room in the Clubhouse
Whether you knit, crochet, needlepoint, counted-cross-stitch, embroidery, etc., come to the relaxing gathering that meets every other week to enjoy time together while working on all sorts of needle work projects at the clubhouse!   No Sign-up necessary.
Club contact: Elyse Satalof, email: [email protected]


Pickleball – Contact Person: Mary Marzano
Email Mary Marzano if you are interested in finding out about the game and where to take lessons. [email protected]

Billiards - Contact Person: FrankAstolfi
If you want to be part of the mailing list, send an email to [email protected]

Bowling – Contact Person: Lori Heckle
Bowling every Tuesday at 2:00 pm at Our Town Alley bowling lanes, located nearby at 2912 Swede Rd, East Norriton, PA 19401.  

Table TennisContact Person:Jerry Raznov
Table tennis happens at the Fitness Center Aerobics Room with two regulation tables for play.
Monday evenings at 7 pm.
Email Jerry Raznov to express your interest by sending your name, phone and experience level to [email protected]

Wallyball – Contact: Frank Browne
NewPlayers Wanted! We play Wallyball every two weeks on Mondays at the Lansdale YMCA on Main Street. Wallyball is volleyball played in a racquetball court. This club is for players who want to play wallyball for fun. No experience necessary; we will explain the game to you. The cost will be $10 per night per person ($5 per night for seniors). Contact Frank at [email protected]  Come join us! We are looking for new members!

Water Volleyball – Contact Frank Browne
We are playing water volleyball every two weeks on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM. Location: Indoor pool
The game is played at a fun, easy manner. There is no spiking of the ball or hard playing. You don’t have to be a great volleyball player. Just come out for a fun time. It is a neat way to spend the evening in the pool having fun and getting exercise. If you’re interested in playing water volleyball or have any questions, please contact Frank at [email protected]

Currently on winter break, there are two men’s golf groups at the Reserve.
Rounds played most every week, on weekdays, at local courses.  Everyone is welcome.
Just easy play and comradery. If interested, contact Joe Coyle by phone at 215-699-2888 or by email at
[email protected]

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 Fiction Book Club 
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